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What others have said about us...

"Corporate Compensation Plans is offering a solution to this problem (the fact that contributions to 401k plans stop if an employee is disabled and cannot work)."
 - New York Times

"Given its low cost, yet great protection, Managing 401k Plans considers it (the 401k Disability Completion Plan) a product not to be without."
Ioma’s Report on Managing 401k Plans

"A new supplemental disability policy from Corporate Compensation Plans allows an employee or employer to insure contributions to a 401k account in the event a worker is disabled."  - CFO

"Employees can lose millions in 401k retirement funding if they are disabled for long periods..."
Plan Sponsor

"A solution (to the problem) could be the 401k Disability Completion Plan that pays benefits into your 401k account." – Bloomberg Financial

"The product, recently introduced by Corporate Compensation Plans, will pick up 401k contributions for participants on long-term disability leave."
Institutional Investor

"Corporate Compensation Plans will begin marketing a new product that is designed to protect workers' 401k plan contributions in the event of a long-term disability." - Defined Contribution News


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